Update: 13:30 10th Feb 2021 - Due to conflicting priorities this work was started later than expected, the migration will be in progress by 14:00

Update: 16:00 10th Feb 2021 - The migration is progressing well however due to the massive volume of data moving between locations with overhead it is taking longer than I initially hoped, work will continue until services are restored though, updates will follow as more information becomes available.

Update: 21:05 - 10th Feb 2021 - The migration of all containers is now complete, everything is working on the old IPs for now, the renumbering work will start tomorrow due to the time already taken today.

Update: 15:15 - 10th Feb 2021 - Further to the email sent today the port forwarding rules are being set up now, I hoped to avoid further disruption however it has become necessary to shut down all servers in order to complete this, I will send an email to everyone when it is complete, this will be the final disruption to your service.

Update 17:25 - 10th Feb 2021 - IP's starting 192.168.2.x and 192.168.0.x are having issues with some IPv4 connectivity, I am actively investigating.

Update 21:00 - 10th Feb 2021 - Due to some IPv6 problems another reboot of the node is required which is in progress now.


Email sent to all customers:

Good Morning,

Further to the email, you received yesterday and after weighing up all the options in terms of disruption and the number of hours required to do the migrations a plan has been formulated to quite literally migrate the entire disk image containing all the NAT services in 1 go.

This will allow for a migration process to be completed in around 4 hours for everything rather than having to do each individual container which could take the better part of 2 days.

The migration will involve a change of IP's however as the old IP's will still work post-migration this will be done in stages.

Stage 1.

From 12:00 today (UK/London time) NAT Netherlands services will be shut down and moved to Amsterdam.
Once the migration is complete everything from your perspective will be just as it was.

Stage 2.

Once any possible issues from stage 1 have been dealt with and migration is considered successful you will receive a new email confirming that the NAT IPv4 IP's have been switched out. will become will become will become

HAProxy will work on both sets of IP's for 48 hours to give you time to switch any DNS records, this part is tentative but it is believed it will work ok with both sets.

Stage 3.


Assuming stage 3 goes as planned then work will begin to issue new IPv6 ranges, you will see a new subnet available under the network tab in the VPS control panel, please ensure you switch to the new IPv6 Subnet as soon as possible.

A final email will be sent out when all of this work is complete, please hold off on any support tickets until the final confirmation has been sent out.

Many thanks for your understanding and patience.

Inception Hosting.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

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