We have just picked up an alert and are investigating.

Please hold tickets for now.

15:20 GMT+0 April 3rd.


UPDATE: This is a network related issue, I am waiting for a reply from the network operator.

15:28 GMT+0 April 3rd


UPDATE: It seems the previous network issue was not correct, it was assumed as part of the network was still up, it seems that this was caused by a power issue within Accelerated DC, servers are bing powered up rack at a time, I expect the server to be reachable within 2 hours.



This afternoon at approximately 4:20 pm (GMT+1) a data center-wide blackout had occured lasting for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Reason for this was maintanence undergoing with the uninterruptible power supply (UPS). An extension of this system with an additional UPS system was planned this noon. The responsible expert however was causing a short-circuit in a protected area. This short-circuit caused a malfunction of the switching device which had to be replaced afterwards. During the next 15 minutes 60% of the service supplies had been successfully re-established, for the remaining 40% however extensive search and repair had to be executed. As this outage had been caused internally, standard security measures were unable to protect the system. The outage was located in the protected USV system. At this time power supply has been fully re-established. We are working with high pressure to switch all server systems back on.


The reality for Inception Hosting sadly is that the servers did not come back up, the servers are booting in to rescue systems fine and all data seems to be fine, the rescue syste uses a different subnet and given that the DC assumed the servers were fine because they responded to ping while using the wrong addresses it is assumed that there is still a network related issue.

This has been raised as critical after a 9 hour outage for us.


RESOLVED: After a log time spend troubleshooting the motherboard was replaced and the system put in a fit state to boot, all VPS's are back online, sorry for any inconvenience this issue was caused by things out of our control.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

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